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ILADS > Rounds with Dr. Henry Lindner: Focus on Babesia

Rounds with Dr. Henry Lindner: Focus on Babesia

Join us for an interactive virtual seminar with Dr. Henry Lindner on Saturday March 26. The Rounds style education session on BABESIA will be approximately 4 hours long from 10 am-2 pm ET. Dr. Lindner will give a PowerPoint presentation and then respond to cases and questions. Registrants may submit case studies and questions prior to the seminar. Attendees will also receive a Babesia Treatment Guide provided by Dr. Lindner.

Dr. Lindner was a popular speaker during the 2021 ILADS Scientific Conference in Orlando. Click here to view a sample of his presentation.

Lindner, Henry

Henry H. Lindner, MD

Dr. Lindner graduated from Jefferson Medical College in 1984, Magna Cum Laude. He became a general practitioner and satisfied his intellectual curiosity by studying history, philosophy and physics. In 2004 he was introduced to new ideas in endocrinology and decided to specialize in optimizing hormones lost to aging. He was quickly consulted by many persons, mostly women, with chronic fatigue, brain fog and depression. When his own daughter became disabled by mental/physical fatigue and psychiatric problems, he eventually discovered that she had chronic babesiosis, most likely caused by Babesia odocoilei. He has since discovered this infection in many other patients. In the past 1.5 years he has gained much experience in the diagnosis and treatment of this common infection.